Re: [SG2] Vehicle Questions...
From: "John M. Atkinson" <john.m.atkinson@e...>
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 22:52:39 -0500
Subject: Re: [SG2] Vehicle Questions...
> No...Problem definately _not_ solved. This is not a generalized
> To say that an infantry TOE _cannot_ have multiple support weapons is
> silly. To say that an infantry TOE modeled after a particular
'source' (be
> it modern infantry structure, or one in a book you read) _does not_
> multiple support weapons is fine. Is the distiction clear? Now if
> can explain an effective, rational system that provides a generalized
> solution, great. If you can give a good explanation of how the
> structure handles this case effectively and generally, great.
> and arbtrarily stating that infantry TOE could not have multiple
> weapons is not.
Let's look at the modern US light infantry platoon. (From memory, please
correct if I left something out)
Three Squads, each of 9 men. Two of those men carry SAWs.
Weapons Squad:2xLMG teams each of two men.
I know I organize my NRE along the same lines. 2 SAWs in a squad, plus
a weapons team, plus an anti-armor team with several GMS/Ps. It makes
sense. Plus I hand out buzz-bombs on a 2 per team basis. So
potentially, I could have a squad firing 4 IVARs, plus 2 SAWs.
Realistically, I'd not want to waste them all on one target, but it's
If that means you roll a handful of dice, so be it. I'd let each weapon
fire seperately.
John M. Atkinson