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Re: FT/MT vs FB

From: John Leary <john_t_leary@p...>
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 19:48:40 -0800
Subject: Re: FT/MT vs FB wrote:
> I won a set of FT rules at a gameday a month ago. Picked up a healthy
> of miniatures at reasonable prices too. Mostly NSL with some FSE. Now,
> I've read the rules I realize there's no stats. Many of the weapons
> I've seen discussed while I lurk don't appear in here either. I
> they were in MT cause I've seen it around.
> But.... I was looking at the FB page on GeoHex's site and it gives the
> impression of being a rules compilation/update with (for lack of a
> term) SSD's.
> Could someone in the know please elaborate for me? Is it worth it to
go get
> MT if I should really just be getting the FB's?
> Also, was examining the larger of the NSL ships I picked up. The
section of
> superstructure that connects the engine array to the command section
> appears to be missing a bunch of detail. There's a large fissure
> this lack of detail that makes it look like the piece will split. The
> dealer was clearing the mini's out so I can't return or exchange. Does
> anyone have a suggestion or idea what to do with this defective
> With regards to the fleets... Do people tend to pick a fleet and play
> per doctrine or do they use the mini's and design their own stats? I
> some mini's from this fleet and some from that one. The fleet (as a
> that I like the looks of the best
> is FSE but it's weapons loadout doesn't favor what I perceive to be my
> style of play.
> Where would I find descriptions of the loadouts favoured by each of
> 'Powers' and their usual tactics?
> So, pardon the length of my message and thanks for any info you can
> Happy New Year to all!
> Mark

     Having asked for comment...

     My feeling is somewhat mixed about the fleet book.   I think that
since you have the FT rules, the MT is a good add on for the ship 
designs, the Kra'Vak, and the Sha'VasKu.

The Kra'Vak vs human games should be at a ratio of three human points 
to two Kra'Vak points for play balance.

The Sha'VasKu do not have a point value, I would suggest a starting
value of four points per mass.	 

     The FT/MT have a different feel than the Fleet Book, the FT/MT
(also called FT2) have a greater variation in possibilities than the 
Fleet Book.   The Wave, Nova, and Reflex shield have never been used
in this area.	The over complex movement and firing sequence have 
likewise been discarded in favor of simplicity and speed of play.

     The Fleet Book 'corrected' the errors of the FT/MT design system,
however most of the ships in the Fleet Book look to 'vanilla' for my
taste.	 (I have made a ship design XL Spreadsheet, for my 
personal use.)	 I wiil participate in games with the FB system, but it
is not preferred.

     Everything comes down to 'do what you like best, and away with
the rest.'

     The list is a good place to get questions answered.   

Bye for now,
John L.

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