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Re: FT/MT vs FB

From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 00:58:20 +0100
Subject: Re: FT/MT vs FB

The nemesis Mark (to tell him apart from Kochte, Siefert et. al.) wrote:

> I won a set of FT rules at a gameday a month ago. Picked up a healthy 
> batch of miniatures at reasonable prices too. Mostly NSL with some
> Now, that
> I've read the rules I realize there's no stats. Many of the weapons
> I've seen discussed while I lurk don't appear in here either. I
> they were in MT cause I've seen it around.

Most probably are. The only completely new weapon in FB1 are the Salvo
Missiles and their two launcher types. 'Course, FT being what it is it
may well be that some of the weapons you've seen discussed are

> But.... I was looking at the FB page on GeoHex's site and it gives the
> impression of being a rules compilation/update with (for lack of a
> term) SSD's.

Rather the other way around - a compilation of sample SSDs with an
added-on update of the rules :-)  There are 10 pages of new or revised
rules, 30 pages of SSDs and five pages of background stuff and author's
comments. The rule revisions are rather important, though (but I might
slightly biased on this subject <G>).

> Could someone in the know please elaborate for me?

Sure. Basically it's like this:

1992 - Full Thrust 2nd ed. published; basic rules and some extras.

1993 - More Thrust published; new tech - several aimed at specific
genres, eg Waveguns for Anime battles and Cloak for Trekkies; two alien
races (interesting, but poorly balanced).

1998 - Fleet Book 1 published, with a long-needed major revision of the
FT2 design system and fine-tuning most of the basic (ie, FT rather than
MT) weapons, and sample designs for the four major human fleets using
new design rules.

>  Is it worth it to go get MT if I should really just be getting the

Currently there's only one FB, ie FB1 :-/ I hope that the rest of the MT
rules and tech will get a revision when FB2 is published, but when that
is, well... that's a very good question. Until then, MT can give a lot
inspiration - but be warned; the material there is likely to be revised
in the future.

You need FT, though - while the FB1 revises part of FT and summarises
many of the most important rules, it assumes that you already know what
it is talking about and doesn't elaborate on any of the non-revised

> Also, was examining the larger of the NSL ships I picked up. The
section > of superstructure that connects the engine array to the
> appears to be missing a bunch of detail. There's a large fissure
> this lack of detail that makes it look like the piece will split. The
> dealer was clearing the mini's out so I can't return or exchange. Does
> anyone have a suggestion or idea what to do with this defective >

I'd fill in the fissure with modelling putty, strengthened (if
by drilling through the section with a pin vice and putting thin wire
straight through it. Or else I'd just paint it as battle damage :-)

> With regards to the fleets... Do people tend to pick a fleet and play
> per doctrine or do they use the mini's and design their own stats? 

I don't use the minis (well, almost - of my 350+ spaceship models, less
than 20 are made by GZG) and I prefer to create my own designs for the
models I use.  I have created doctrines for my own fleets, though -
having a common "theme" to each fleet makes them a lot more interesting
to play :-)

> I like some mini's from this fleet and some from that one. The fleet
(as a > whole) that I like the looks of the best is FSE but it's weapons
> doesn't favor what I perceive to be my
> style of play.

Then use other stats for them!

There is *NO* requirement that you must use the "official" stats for the
"official" models in Full Thrust. The FB1 is for those who like GZG's
game background, and the designs provided in it are examples *ONLY* -
indeed, many of the designs have notes about major variants... there is
absolutely nothing to stop you from creating your own design for
model takes your fancy!

> Where would I find descriptions of the loadouts favoured by each of
> 'Powers' and their usual tactics?

In the Fleet Book. Very short descriptions, though - but they're all
you're likely to get from Jon! :-) And always remember the basic tenet
all GZG games: "If you don't like it, change it!"

Hope this helps,

Oerjan Ohlson

"Life is like a sewer.
  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry

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