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Re: DS Conversions

From: Chen-Song Qin <cqin@e...>
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 14:08:01 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: DS Conversions

Now that would be a wonderful idea.  Have you seen the Steel Panthers II
WW2 modification?  That involved changing a lot of SHP files as well as
stats.	You can probably ask them about it.
The WW2 mod is on
Just goto the Wild Bill's Raiders section.  I bet they have e-mail
addresses of the people who worked on WWII, and they'll probably have
advice for you.


Even the engineers are not *this* depraved.  This must be the work of
Med. students.

						- A friend of mine


On Thu, 17 Dec 1998, Glover, Owen wrote:

> OK a question for some of you out there. has anyone work up a
> for converting the DS vehicles and weapons to the computer game Steel
> Panthers II? I'm in the process of doing this and would like to avoid
> of hack work if someone else has trodden this path.
> Waiting in anticipatiion,
> Owen G

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