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Re: [FT][SG][DS] Canada, the US Civil War II, and the structure

From: Jonathan Jarrard <jjarrard@f...>
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 08:54:51 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT][SG][DS] Canada, the US Civil War II, and the structure

Adrian Johnson wrote:
> Some of my commentary is potentially quite unlikely given the
> situation here in good ole Canada - but that wasn't really the point. 
> you read his original post - I think it was vastly more unlikely (and,
> believe, written with a certain degree of tongue-in-cheek... as was
> though it grew into a "real" commentary).

Not particularly.  I was trying to come up with some plausible
explanation for the NAC (which I don't find very plausible in the first
place).  Besides, I left out the fact that I believe the an independent
Quebec would result in a war between the US and Quebec within 30 years
(again relating to issues along the St. Lawrence Seaway and the
generally insane character of Quebecois(sp?) politics.

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