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[FT] IF Ship Design

From: Laserlight <laserlight@c...>
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 00:03:58 -0500
Subject: [FT] IF Ship Design

If anyone has Islamic Federation ship designs, let me know.  I will be
posting them on my web site (mainly to provide explosions of the
end of Alarishi beams and Templar torpedoes, but anyone else is welcome
blow them up, too).
My concept is that the IF uses fast, small ships, no FTL, with salvo
missiles (FSE influence); small-to-medium carriers carrying Fast
and FTL tugs.  The idea is to have a swarm of skirmishers which can't
up to close range slugging, but can harass you to death if you're not
careful.  Seems to suit the Arabic/Turkish style.

<i>Turcoman</i> class CL
Displacement: 4000 tonnes
Cost: 1650 MUcr
Hull Type: Weak (Integrity 8)
Crew:  11 officer, 29 ratings (Crew Factor 2)
Armament: 1 SML (arcs FA, FP, AP) + 10 ton magazine (usually 2 ER + 2
standard), 2 x Class 1 Beam
Defenses: 2 Point Defense System
Sensors suite: Standard sensors; 1 fire control system
Drive systems: Main Drive rating 6
Comment: The mainstay of the IF fleet.	The Turcoman depends on Jump
or tenders to deliver it to the battle area.  IF doctrine calls for the
Turcoman and similar ships to operate in squadrons, hovering at the edge
missile range.
Variations: Reduce magazine capacity 2 tonnes in exchange for armor. 
Others TBA
Building: Unknown

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