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RE: (FT) Kra'Vak FTFB Mass - Right ones this time..

From: Steven Arrowsmith <arrowjr@u...>
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 1998 08:31:10 -0500 (EST)
Subject: RE: (FT) Kra'Vak FTFB Mass - Right ones this time..

On Wed, 9 Dec 1998, Tim Jones wrote:

> Steven wrote:
> >I have come to the conclusion that my first sets of numbers were
> >incorrect. The corrected numbers are listed below.
> >
> I'd be interested in the rationale behind these numbers.
> Why did you choose these values and why were you unhappy
> with the other set? Looks like a reasonable starting point,
> though the biggies seem  bit heavy compared to say NAC?
> -= tim jones =- 
<some sniping> 


I took the 'official' ship examples from FT and compared them to the
average Mass of the same class in the FTFB, and came up with the
difference. With this difference I took the official KraVak  mass listed
in FTMT book and multiplied them by this difference, to come up with
current target mass. My original KraVak mass chart was just multiplying
the FTMT mass by 2, which made them to light.

Here is the differences from FT to FTFB:

Scout		     1.75
Corvette	     2.3 
Frigate 	     2.0
Destroyer	     2.2
Lt. Cruiser	     2.3
Escort Cruiser	     2.3
Hvy Cruiser	     2.5
BattleCruiser	     2.5
Battleship	     2.4
BDN		     2.5
SDN		     2.7
CVL		     2.1
CVA		     2.4


			       Steven Arrowsmith

		    I Would Rather live a Lie, Thinking I Can.
			 Than know The Truth That I Can't

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