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RE: (FT) Kra'Vak FTFB Mass - Right ones this time..

From: "Tim Jones" <Tim.Jones@S...>
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 1998 12:56:07 -0000
Subject: RE: (FT) Kra'Vak FTFB Mass - Right ones this time..

Steven wrote:

>I have come to the conclusion that my first sets of numbers were
>incorrect. The corrected numbers are listed below.
>Scout			       7 mass 
>Corvette		      18 mass 
>Frigate		      24 mass
>Destroyer		      35 mass
>Lt. Cruiser		      55 mass
>Escort Cruiser 	      64 mass
>Heavy Cruiser		      90 mass
>BattleCruiser		     110 mass 
>Battleship		     134 mass
>BattleDreadnought	     157 mass
>SuperDreadnought	     248 mass
>Strike Carrier 	     230 mass

I'd be interested in the rationale behind these numbers.
Why did you choose these values and why were you unhappy
with the other set? Looks like a reasonable starting point,
though the biggies seem  bit heavy compared to say NAC?

12  Arapaho
18  Minerva
24  Tacoma
30  Ticonderoga  DD
50  Huron	 CL
64  Furious	 CE
80  Vandenburg	 CA
106 Majestic	 BC
120 Victoria	 BB
140 Excalibur	 BDN
190 Valley Forge SDN
140 Inflexible	 CVL
200 Ark Royal	 CV

-= tim jones =- 

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