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RE: [FT] Keeping "Old" RGs

From: "Wasserman, Kurt" <wasku01@m...>
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 10:32:40 -0500
Subject: RE: [FT] Keeping "Old" RGs

Sadly, I don't have the rules in front of me so correct me if I am wrong
the mechanics here...

If you roll a =6= with a beam weapon, you reroll and figure damage
If the reroll is then another =6=, don't you then reroll a second time
(subtotal of 3 rolls now)?
rinse, repeat....

If this is true, and this is how we played out Adler Tag, then by
the "penetrating damage" into the newfangled RGs' base damage, it will
eliminate the possibility of a multiple reroll shot.  This cuts the
potential, albeit low probability, damage from the weapon system.  

As gamers, we live on the edges of the bell curve.  I don't think ANYONE
had a completely average game.	<G>  


> ----------
> From: 	Tim Jones[]
> Reply To:	gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
> Sent: 	Tuesday, December 08, 1998 4:56 AM
> To:	gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
> Subject:	RE: [FT] Keeping "Old" RGs
> >Ahhh, but if the RG penetrating damage is already factored 
> >into the BASE damage, then there is no "luck factor" as there 
> >is with Beam Weapons.  The double RG class damage is there 
> >for each and every hit whereas  rolled up
> >damage may or may not appear with a given Beam shot.  
> There is still a luck factor you don't always get the double 
> damage and you might miss. Bigger class RG's give you a better chance
> of doing more damage when you hit as they have a larger calibre.
> >I like the randomness of the current reroll system.
> MMMV. One the new mechanic has bedded down I suggest looking at this
> but shelving it till then.

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