Re: [FT] New Israel - Re: National Differences (Long)
From: "Izenberg, Noam" <Noam.Izenberg@j...>
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 09:01:44 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] New Israel - Re: National Differences (Long)
The advantages of Digest - I can reply to a whole conversation:
> From: Laserlight <>
> > Two things I'm sure about -
> > 1) After surviving two attempts at total annihilations in a single
> > century, you know the national mantra of NI is "Never Again,"
> I thought their mantra NOW was "Never Again"...isn't that what is at
> Masada?
Sure. It is. But it doesn't permeate the fiber of everyone's being
today. (Which I view as a god thing - remembering and keeping the past
from repeating is one thing, paranoia is another) NI of the future is
obsessed with security in a way Israel can't afford to be today.
> > Hostile to IF
> Indonesia is Muslim, does this have an effect?
It depends on the history with Indonesia. Did it harbor terrorists?
condone or condemn the nuking?
> -----------------
> From: Los <>
> Maybe it's just me, but as you said, having survived to extermination
> attempts in one century, I'd invest some research into "planet
> cracking"
> technology and set about eradicating every last IF planet in
> existance, and
> then sit back and stare down any other f*cker that looked at me the
> wrong
> way. just a thought....
Revenge is not NI's philosphy or politics. Survival is (not that
survival conflicts can't result in a little revenge along the way).
Another thing you can be sure of about NI is that genocide of any kind
is anathema. But then there is that Retribution rumor. And clearly
there are fringe groups (as on any world) that believe death is too good
for any and every member of the IF.
> ----------------
> Thomas Barclay wrote:
> > _Something_ will have been learned from the
> > > political history of Old Israel on Terra.
> >
> > Yes. Don't ever allow yourself to be vulnerable. Don't ever forgive
> > an enemy. Any don't ever trust an Arab (may not be true, but it sure
> > seems that would be the lesson that many bitter survivors may come
> > away with).
John M. Atkinson:
> I doubt the Israelis would ever be so sloppy with definitions. Druze
> are active and patriotic citizens of today's Israel, and as such are
> not
> exactally on good terms with their orthodox Muslim relatives...(snip)
True to a point. I've read about some internal policies that alienated
the Druze in recent years, though how damaging they were I do not know.
I think Thomas' point would generally be true about NI, modulated by by
what you said, John