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Re: Cardboard Armour (Don't tell Jon)

From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 17:17:05 -0500
Subject: Re: Cardboard Armour (Don't tell Jon)

Brian spake thusly upon matters weighty: 
> Medical gauze (clean, please) makes pretty good camo netting. As
> unfold the gauze to a single layer, pin it to something - a piece of
> or something - and use fairly thick paint. While the paint is wet,
> sprinkle ground foam 'grass' on. Most of the foam will come off, but
> remainder has a fairly effective patchy look, with the net underneath.
> Looks pretty good, IMHO. (A really heavy camo job - net, foliage, etc
> would help disguise the relative lack of detail on homegrown vehicles)

Must try this one when I build some bunkers. Good idea. 
> I use air-drying clay for hoverskirts. It's a bit more work, but looks
> good and is totally solid. For cardboard vehicles, it could provide
> stiffening, as well as ballasting the vehicle to stop it from drifting
> across the gaming table in a breeze...

Shouldn't GEVs move in a stiff wind? (grin)
> On the subject of wheeled vehicles, does anyone have any ideas for
> wheels? I'd like to make a wheeled APC and various other wheeled
> but lack of good wheels is getting in the way. Wooden dowelling,

Cheap model kits could provide a source of these. Perhaps dowelling. 
Perhaps some buttons. Don't know. 

Thomas Barclay		     
Voice: (613) 831-2018 x 4009
Fax: (613) 831-8255

 "C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot.  C++ makes
 it harder, but when you do, it blows away your whole leg."
 -Bjarne Stroustrup

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