Re: [FT] The Sa'Vasku
From: Sean Bayan Schoonmaker <schoon@a...>
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 08:15:15 -0800
Subject: Re: [FT] The Sa'Vasku
John C <> wrote:
> I: Select mass.
> II: Subtract x% of mass, designated as "Brain". This takes the
>place of human Firecons, among other functions.
> III: Subtract y% of mass, designated as the ship's "Heart". This
>is the organ that absorbs/manipulates energy, and takes the place of
>human screens, again among other functions.
> IV: Add armor, if desired. Organic armor, being less tough than
>the artificial variety, costs half as much, but masses twice as much.
> V: Buy nodes, from the following list (for details of weapon
>functions, see below).
I haven't had time to read this entire post, but why add nodes?
The S'V could choose any function for their ships if they had enough
for it, and I see no reason to change that. Adding functions? Sure. The
basic mechanic, however, was an exchange between energy and any given