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Re: [FT] Other Kra'Vak wepon systems

From: IronLimper@a...
Date: Sun, 6 Dec 1998 16:44:03 EST
Subject: Re: [FT] Other Kra'Vak wepon systems

In a message dated 98-12-05 15:41:56 EST, you write:

>>I kind of like the idea of guided projectiles tossed by the railguns
>>increase accuracy at long ranges. How about this:
>>(Using the RG Rules in your last post, which I like a lot)
>>Guided Railgun Round (GRR)
>>Range: As normal, except both 5's and 6's count for rerolls.
> Well, I will be damned.  I never thought of increasing the re-roll 
> numbers in order to increase the range!  Simple, effective, 
> simple...excuse me for a moment, would you?  I need to go bang my head

> against the wall.
> *Wham*
> *Wham*
> There, that's better.
Certainly. ::waits a moment:: Feeling better?  :-)

>>Damage: (Class-2)*d6. Damage is applied to armour first, then 
>> structure.  [PSP, the sensors, manouver engines and associated fuel 
>> takes up space that would otherwise be filled with Depleted 
>> Balonium.]


>>John, in regards to your RG rules, how would you deal with KV armour? 
> Personally?  Apparently by forgetting about it.  This is what happens 
> when I try to express coherant thoughts after 6 hours of sleep.
>>The list
>>seems to have agreed on modeling KV armour as in MT (a percentage of 
>> mass
>>gives 1,2, or possibly 3 levels of protection). What do you all think 
>> about
>>Kra'Vak Armour System (KVAS)
>>Mass: 5% of the ships mass per level, maximum 2 levels. (Possibly 3. 
>>Any suggestions?)
>>Points:???? (Haven't the faintest, folks)
>>Effect: vs. Human Weapons: As human shields of identical level.
>>	     vs. KV Railguns: Subtract the level of the KVAS from the 
>>number of to-hit  dice rolled. (ie a railgun is firing at a Level 1
>>ship. Instead of  4d6 rolled to hit, 3d6 is rolled)
>>	    vs. Scatterguns: Subtract the level of the armour from the 
>>damage rolled.  
>>I'm not wild about the difference in mechanics between the RG and the 
>>SG, but  there isn't a to hit roll to modify on the scatterguns. I
kind of
>>the effect on the to-hit roll for the RG's, because it encourages the
>>combat, knifefight nature of the Kra'Vak, at least in my opinion. 
> I'm really not sure.	The easy way to go is to make KV armor lighter
> more expensive than normal human armor, but that seems like the easy
> out.	The idea that most appeals to me is simply subtracting the level

> of the armor from each die of damage, but that wouldn't work against 
> beam attacks.  Or, rather, it would work waaaay too well.

To be honest, I'm not too keen on the MT idea either. The way the
armour is described there seems like a combination of armour (of the
variety) and extremely well thought out subdivision and reduncy which
could be
reflected in FB terms by cheaper armour and/or hull toughness. ::shrug::
list likes the MT concept better and it does work to encourage KV
players to
keep the range short, which adds flavor to the KV fleet.
> I would like a mechanic that functions the same, regardless of what  
> weapons are being used.  How about this...just as a thought.	I'm not 
> sure how well it would work in practice.

Me too, but I'm not sure how.

> KV armor functions as you defined it about vs. KV railguns--each level

> reduces the effective range by 1d6 (PSB: the longer range gives the 
> targeted ship more time to orient itself so that the shot glances off 
> the armored bits.  I know, I know...sounds shaky to me, too.)

I see the PSB as being more along the lines of the ships are so tough,
takes better aim to hit anything vulnerable and you can't do that at
very long
> Against Beam weapons, the effect is similar; each level of armor
> the beam range by 6".  This forces the humans to fight at KV ranges.	
> The PSB is a little more solid here, I think.

To be honest I'm not to keen on this, because it eliminates the
between the fleets and forces the humans to fight too much on the KV
Lemme think about this a bit more.

> Maybe the combination would work, after all.	Railgun (and Scattergun)

> damage is at -1 per die/level of armor against KV armor, and Beam
> have their range reduces by 6"/level.
> And, on a related note, I would have ALL scattergun damage applied to 
> human armor, assuming there is any less, before anything reaches the 
> hull.  It's a cloud of (relatively) light shot, and it seems somehow 
> right.

Oh yeah. Actually I thought about that a little while after I sent my
post. It does seem very much like a "scraper" type of weapon, doesn't
it? Due
to the light mass of the projectiles I'm almost tempted to let shields
effective against the scatterguns, but that would add yet another
mechanic so
I think we'd probably best leave well enough alone. 

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