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RE: [fh ot] Re: [GZG][FH] Planet types (was Re: Locations of Star s)

From: "Glover, Owen" <oglover@m...>
Date: Sat, 5 Dec 1998 19:02:03 +1000
Subject: RE: [fh ot] Re: [GZG][FH] Planet types (was Re: Locations of Star s)

-----Original Message-----
From: John M. Atkinson []
Subject: Re: [fh ot] Re: [GZG][FH] Planet types (was Re: Locations of
Star s)
>Hrm. . . maybe not anti-NAC in behavior, but philisophically.	I see
>as a safety valve for NAC--a dumping ground for militant US
>nationalists, conspiracy theorists (who would see in British troops
>occupying the US a validation of their One World Government Black
>Helicopter nonsense), Gun Nuts (FCT Const. likely has a clause

OK, here John has presumed an almost total UK oriented NAC. Yet I get
impression that the majority of people on the list seem to give the NAC
a US
operational flavour. Population wise the NAC is probably largely US in
influence. Ascribing the FCT with an anti-NAC behaviour or philosophy
would seem even more unreasonable.

How do others see FCT/NAC/NSL relating?

Owen G

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