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[URL] 3d GZG starmap up! (was Re:[FT]Size of "Countries" in FT)

From: Brian Burger <burger00@c...>
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 00:23:27 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [URL] 3d GZG starmap up! (was Re:[FT]Size of "Countries" in FT)

I just got Tony Christney's Java-applet 3d starmap of the GZG universe


You'll need a Java 1.1-capable browser to make the 3d viewer work.

If you want to ask/congratulate Tony about his work, email him directly:

Comments/kudos/complaints/errors on the page, contact me:

This is based on Nyrath's draft colony list, plus some additions (Rot


Brian (

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