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Re: [FT] ST FT2.5 designs

From: John Fu <jfu@n...>
Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 17:40:28 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] ST FT2.5 designs

Hey, I'm famous!  (Turn your back on the list for one week and look what
happens.  That and about 500 messages, but I digress...)

As long as the talk has turned toward the Star Trek designs I'd like to
out that the new DS9 Technical manual is now available and includes the
ship designs featured in that show.  Some of the short descriptions seem
to be
missing the essential "Armament" line but there's still good stuff
there.	In
my experience, trying to get FT ships to match "cannon" descriptions is
a lost
cause but others may have better luck.

John Fu

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