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Re: Proposed Kra'Vak Ship Design Charts - Take 4

From: Sean Bayan Schoonmaker <schoon@a...>
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 19:54:44 -0800
Subject: Re: Proposed Kra'Vak Ship Design Charts - Take 4

 Steven Arrowsmith <<> wrote:

>Ok, Here is where we are running into the problem. I based this system
>upon the Kra'Vak stats listed in the More thrust book. To keep the
>ships compatible to Human mass type. Some sacrifices had to be made, If
>go with standard size engines, Kra'Vak ships tend to be almost twice
>mass of equivalent Human 100 mass Heavy Cruisers. Also, who
>said the Kra'Vak used non-FTL ships?


Each individual system needs to be balanced against it's counterpart, or
else you get rules abuses. If you balance a mix of systems to acheive a
desired goal, there'll be someone who designs a ship that uses only the
cheap systems and none of the expensive ones. Using your engine system
(combining FTL and Thrust costs) I can make a killer battle rider fleet
which can take all comers.

I'm not trying to criticise you or your solutions, but balance is just
important to getting this done right.

I'll send along my ideas right after this, where each system (I hope) is
matched in cost and performance to its human counterpart.

However, if I decrease mass somewhere, I need to either increase point
or performance to balance.


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