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Re: OT: Happy Birthday to me.

From: devans@u...
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 17:03:47 -0600
Subject: Re: OT: Happy Birthday to me.

***	And in honour of the occasion let the new 'official' title be


(The new title will save electrons and typing time for those of us
who have trouble with typing.)

Bye for now,
John L.

P.S. Oh! Forgot some small thing, Happy Birthday, OLD MAN!***

Many happy returns, Mark, but what kind of gift to give the man who's
us so much, i.e., the Unofficial FT site. I suppose we should really
up with a new ship design to be named Dwegend, but I suppose Indy will
to donate some PT's. *heh heh*

I'll see if Hobie's got any ideas.

See you next year in Milwaukee!


P.S. I said to watch that OLD s**t!!! ;->=

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