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Re: My Kingdom for a GM!

From: "Tom Sullivan" <starkfist@h...>
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 07:06:46 PST
Subject: Re: My Kingdom for a GM!

>I believe I have a partially operational Teske Field. It only works
>against Indy, though. 
>I _need_ someone to GM a game between me and Aaron as NSL/ESU and Indy
>and Beth as NAC/FSE. True, TRUE carnage awaits. 
>Noam R. Izenberg
Have you guys considered Macray's Keep?  It's a site meant to run 
roleplaying games, but I see no reason why it could not be used for a 
game of Full Thrust.  Players have to register, first for the site and 
then for the game, but there's no charge for that.  Messages can be sent

to one person or to all, there's a nifty dice-rolling program (which 
will roll any number of dice), and you can chat, as well.  It might work

a little more quickly/easily than standard e-mail.

Tom Sullivan

"Good, bad...I'm the one with the gun."

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