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GMS Fire control

From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998 17:56:11 -0500
Subject: GMS Fire control

Okay guys:

How many of you think GMS firecontrol is

1) a product of the round (ie, the same launcher can fire GMS 
enhanced and GMS superior since the intelligence is in the round - 
goes with fire and forget I'd guess) therefore the launcher can be 

2) believe it is a product of the sights and sensors on the launcher, 
so an enhanced launcher can't fire superior rounds (what is more, it 
probably requires a specific enhanced rounds to work with its 

1 seems to leave open the idea of having one GMS system (GMS/L for 
example) that can have varying missile qualities and varies the 
firecontrol used against various targets (ie it can fire ground, 
anti-air, and multi role rounds from the same launcher). 

2 seems to be more like todays missiles where the launcher has a lot 
of the detection gear. 

I don't know which is suggested or required by the GZG universe. 

Thomas Barclay		     
Voice: (613) 831-2018 x 4009
Fax: (613) 831-8255

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