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RE: [FTFB] Fleet Book Kra'Vak

From: "Wasserman, Kurt" <wasku01@m...>
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998 12:04:47 -0500
Subject: RE: [FTFB] Fleet Book Kra'Vak


Speaking as a KV player...

I noticed that in More Thrust, the going philosophy was that KV ships
pretty tough.  They had strange armor that also acted shield-like. 
from memory as my MT is on order from England.	Nobody in the Local US
it...)	In battle, things seemed to deteriorate quickly on the KV ships.
But, all in all, the high thrusts and that little rule about being able
use 100% of your main thrust in maneuvers kept my guys alive for a
Thrust = Options = Life  Trimming speed is bad....

Perhaps bumping the KV hull ratings up from average to strong.	I don't
remember the exact wording but the feel of the KV section in MT was that
they had pretty sturdy ships.

It's funny how people playing FT show their Star Fleet Battle roots by
referring to Scatter_GUNS_ as Scatter_PACKS_.  <heh, I do it all the

Also, your KV page still says NEA RHOMAIOI.


> ----------SNIP RESULTS------ 
> From: 	John M. Atkinson[]
> Reply To:
> If I use the high speeds of
> More Thrust, and average hulls, then I can't stick enough armor on to
> 'feel' right to me.  Any suggestions?  Should I use weaker hulls and
> more armor?  Adjust the weapons load-out?  Slow down the cruisers? 
> my wrists?

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