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Re:SST [OT] Plausible Sci-fi?

From: Los <los@c...>
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 1998 10:56:29 -0800
Subject: Re:SST [OT] Plausible Sci-fi?

 Magnus Alexandersson wrote: I just say this. 

I read the Starship Troopers and according to me, it was alot of

propaganda in it. The movie was accused for facism, but it isn't at all 

like the book. 

And then I got to think and alot of games I've played during the years

be drawn back to this book.... Scary! 

  I disagree with your assessments, but this is along-standing argument
on the net. Raher than renew teh argument here (which will get everyon
nowhere), I would highly recommned this page:,  which catalogues the
arguments for and against SST  in an intelligent form. By all means
check it out! 


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