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Re: Medics in SG2

From: Los <los@c...>
Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 10:44:10 -0500
Subject: Re: Medics in SG2

Keep in mind that in SF a medic is just another shooter on the team who
is also the
team Doc. He's just as likely to be  a point man or a the first guy
through the door
as anyone else. Though you tend to try and keep your Medics and commo
guys somewhat
out of harms way if you can help it.The only remark anbout teh SAW was
that usually
it's the 18B (weapons man) or the 18C  who's "signed" for the SAW. So he
likes to carry it himself. Also there's an on again off again
restriction to
sendiung medics to things like SOTIC (Special Ops Tgt Interdiction
Course or
sniper). That's mostly because they're usually the most 'expensive guys
on the team,
(the basic course is aover 18 months) and if he's got a couple months to
go to
sniper school the you should probably be sending him to some advanced
medical course
instead. Of course if you can weasel your paperwork in, then you
probably will.


Kenneth Winland wrote:

>	  Howdy!
> On Fri, 30 Oct 1998, Los wrote:
> > >		   A friend of ours who is a capting in the US special
forces says
> > > that in some sf teams, the medic is the guy who carries the SAW.
> >
> > If a medic is carrying a SAW its because he wants to. Most of them
are weapons
> > man wanna-bes anyway...
>	  The teams that Captain Paulsen worked with often had their
> toting SAWs.	I'll have to ask him why...
>	  Ken

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