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Re: [GZG] [HIST] Military Hackers

From: Jeff Lyon <jefflyon@m...>
Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 02:28:04 -0600
Subject: Re: [GZG] [HIST] Military Hackers

At 12:48 AM 10/31/98 GMT, Allan Goodall wrote:
>I'm not sure if any of this can be used in a SG2 or DS2 game,
>but it's certainly food for thought. I would roll it into a 
>campaign system for SG2, DS2, or FT, though. Imagine building a
>superdreadnought, only to have all work stopped on it because of
>a hacking attempt that collapses the NAC's economy...
>Hmmm, I kind of like that idea...

I don't know if this has been mentioned earlier in this thread, but in
Children's Hour" (one of the short stories in the Man-Kzin Wars series)
they have a couple of hackers from Sol infiltrate Kzin-occupied
(satellite of Alpha Centauri) to assassinate a Kzin admiral who was
a little too much potential.

And the _way_ in which he was assassinated was intended to be a terror
weapon, pure and simple.

An interesting side note is that the computers on Wunderland were really
easy to hack because when they were manufactured (on Earth, of course)
had several "back-doors" built in just in case the colony ever got to be
a problem.


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