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Re: [FT] SOF Insertion

From: "Jim 'Jiji' Foster" <jiji@m...>
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 13:48:55 -0700
Subject: Re: [FT] SOF Insertion

On Fri, 30 Oct 1998 12:22:40   John M. Atkinson wrote:
>I am currently working on getting the Special Forces for my NRE into
>shape, and one of the things I needed to consider was how do they get
>work, right? So I sat down and threw this together on 

More interesting to me: how do they get *home* from work? Is it possible
to cloak a shuttle or launch to allow covert recovery? Some sort of
updated version of the Fulton Recovery system (the personal beanstalk!)?
Space Opera-style grav belts?

If there's no good way to exfiltrate a team, it kind of limits their use
to take-and-hold sorts of missions.


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