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Re: STL travel

From: Thomas Anderson <thomas.anderson@u...>
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 12:55:32 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: STL travel

On Wed, 28 Oct 1998, Jim 'Jiji' Foster wrote:
> <Extreme PSB Mode>

ha! that's in my .login file ...

> Say that 'cinematic' movement is some manner of grav drive that
> against the gravity field of nearby objects in much the same way that
> wing 'pushes' against an atmosphere. This would make swooping turns in
> space possible and logical within a sun's gravity well.

somewhat like the xeelee space drive from steven baxter's xeelee
sequence books. these chaps literally did have wings, but they were
planar discontinuities in spacetime. it was weapons-grade psb, but that
was the point of the xeelee - sufficiently advanced technology is 
indistinguishable from magic and all that. baxter always describes
craft as having 'vast sweeping night-black wings', a line lifted
out of homer's odyssey. well, almost.

also a teeny bit like larry niven's ubiquitous gravity polariser - now
there's a drive! i think the idea was you could flip the sign of the
between you and a big mass, and so use it to generate lift.

> However, in the fringes of a system or in deep space, there wouldn't
be a
> solar gravity field to react against, leaving only Newtonian thrusters
> for maneuver. 

interesting twist.

> This allows room for both systems in the same universe, and might
> 'compromise' ship designs depending on how far from a solar gravity
> operations were likely to occur at.

i can see an captain whose warp drive has been knocked out carefully
avoiding gravity wells to force a newtonian engagement, or a captain
the opposite problem being confined insystem where his drives work.


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