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Re: [fh] nac vexilliology

From: devans@u...
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 19:24:22 -0600
Subject: Re: [fh] nac vexilliology

Once again, re: the t-shirt I'm wearing, a flag with the 'Jack and
though 8 and red, white, AND blue, on a shirt with the title 'The
Nation of Hawaii'. I'm not a supporter, it was just a weird thrift store

I gather it's serious; a lass at work from Oahu has seen it. Weirdest
the 'Jack is in the lower corner. *shrug*

And I DID mention ESU before. Unfortunately, cranium firmly inserted in
rectum, I discovered the star is red, LINED in gold. Gonna have to find
very small brush to put red inside the	very small gold star on my ships
currently. *sigh*


John and Roxanne Leary <> on 10/28/98 05:32:25 PM

Please respond to
 cc:	  (bcc: Doug Evans/CSN/UNEBR)			      
 Subject: Re: [fh] nac vexilliology			      

One comment, then I'n gone.

     A flag with the Union Jack (U.K.) and the U.S. stripes did exist
during the Revolutionary War.	(I cannot find my ref. material on
this.)	 I think it was called 'The Grand Union Flag'.

Bye  for now,
John L.

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