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Fleet Control System - Back on track (Was: Re: What the hell is this?)

From: Kelvin Henderson <kx.henderson@q...>
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 09:27:37 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Fleet Control System - Back on track (Was: Re: What the hell is this?)

At 04:28 AM 10/29/98 -0500, you wrote:
>I agree with Niall;  lets keep it with GZG, ie., new rules, weapons,
>senarios, Order-of-battle, battle reports, and such.  I am killing
>average 5 emails until I get to one with GZG material.  To those who
>have been sending out new ideas for GZG gaming, great job!

Alright then.  I've been thinking about some way to represent a fleet
command vessel on the table and to give it some way of co-ordinating
activities.  So I have come up with the Fleet Control System.  

Fleet Cons-
Similar to a FireCon but much, much larger the Fleet Con is a
sensor and communication array used to co-ordinate fleet movements and
observe/predict enemy fleet movements.	It is often only found on larger
vessels due to its size, complexity and crew requirements. 
in battle is often tenuous at best and as a result the effectiveness of
device can vary greatly.

Game Use:  Any vessel with a Fleet Con rolls a D6 at the start of each
and halves the result (round up).  The resultant number is the rating of
the Fleet Con for that turn.  Ratings do not carry over from turn to
so that a Fleet Con can only have a rating of 1-3 each turn.

The Fleet Con can be used to either predict enemy movements or to
co-ordinate friendly vessel attacks.  The predict enemy movements, a
with a Fleet Con can force their opponent to show them the movement
for one of the enemy vessels for each rating of the Fleet Con (1-3). 
Friendly player may alter any movement orders after seeing this
information, but the enemy player MAY NOT.  Any Fleet Con ratings used
predict enemy movements CANNOT be used to co-ordinate friendly vessels
stated below and vice versa.

Fleet Cons may also be used to co-ordinate friendly attacks.  When a
friendly ship activates to fire, if the friendly player has Fleet Cons
their force, they may use them to activate other, friendly vessels for
simultaneous fire.  ONE extra vessel may be activated per rating of
Con used.  The other friendly vessels then activate at the same time as
original choice and carry out all firing simulatneously.  Previously
activated vessels MAY NOT activate again in the same turn and vessels
activated in this way MAY NOT activate again later in the same turn.

Opposing Fleet Cons may try to block any Fleet Con action by expending
ratings to do so.  A blocking player may only attempt to block a single
communication or prediction, not multiple ones (ie-only blocking comm to
single ship, even if two or more are being additionally activated in a
co-ordinated fire attempt).  By expending a single rating, the blocking
player rolls a D6.  The player being blocked also rolls a D6 for the
original rating used.  These rolls can be augmented by spending
ratings, each additional rating expended adding +1 to the roll.  The
who rolls highest wins the the attempt, either blocking the attempt or
getting it through.  You only get one chance to block a Fleet Con use.

Mass of system=12      Costs=36 points.

Whew!  Sounds more complex than it really is, but I thought it would
for a fun and interesting way of representing Fleet Control vessels on
table.	I made it a large system to stop it from being put on smaller
vessels, but not too large to preclude its use.  Comments please?


   "And how do you suppose we stop them?
      Get a big red sign with the word 
	    STOP written on it?"	  

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