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Re: [fh] nac vexilliology was Re: Awards and Anthems(andnowsomebackground) [OT] [HIST]

From: Thomas Anderson <thomas.anderson@u...>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 12:31:13 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: [fh] nac vexilliology was Re: Awards and Anthems(andnowsomebackground) [OT] [HIST]

On Wed, 28 Oct 1998, David Brewer wrote:
> Thomas Anderson writes:
> > a great many flags - the british for a start - do not follow the
rules of
> > heraldry, on the grounds that they're flags and not shields.
> What rule does the Union Flag break? The red and blue most
> certainly do not touch. The (partial) St. Patrick's Cross is
> planted on top of the white St. Andrew's Cross and there's a white
> border around the St. George's Cross which could be mischeviously
> described as a cross of St. Denis (an old French emblem).

the red st george cross is on top of the red st patrick's cross! i admit
that you could just define a new shape - the asterisk of st george and
patrick - and get away with it, but i was thinking of the two crosses as
seperate elements, whereas in heraldic terms they probably aren't. good


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