Re: [fh] nac vexilliology was Re: Awards and ANthems(and now some background) [OT] [HIST]
From: "Jim 'Jiji' Foster" <jiji@m...>
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 11:55:55 -0700
Subject: Re: [fh] nac vexilliology was Re: Awards and ANthems(and now some background) [OT] [HIST]
>population of ~160 million (2/3 of current). if the us could be split
>just two parts, the uk would be the dominant partner in the
>- a situation i believe the crown would aim for. how about north and
>south, a division that pretty much exists already? 'no sah, ah am a
>virginian' comes repeatedly to mind.
Well, speaking as a local, sentiment in my area of the country would
happily support any division that would classify us as seperate from all
east of the Mississippi and west of Nevada.
I've actually wondered about the state of things here in the
Midwest...specifically wondering if anyone's gamed out the UKs arrival
on the US continent and the resulting borders that would produce. My
vision has Texas (either during the instability leading up to
recolonization, or soon after) annexing most all of Oklahoma and
possibly up into Kansas to capture oil wells, food supplies, and create
a nice buffer zone between the NAC and "God's Country."
Furthermore, any instability that would allow foreign intervention would
doubtless see a resurgance in Native American nationalism. I could also
see Oklahoma becoming a quasi-independent "New Indian Nation" tied
economically and politically to Free Cal-Tex. Much like the relationship
between Bulgaria and Russia, perhaps?
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