Re: [fh] nac vexilliology was Re: Awards and ANthems(and now some background) [OT] [HIST]
From: "Jared E Noble" <JNOBLE2@m...>
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 12:27:26 -1000
Subject: Re: [fh] nac vexilliology was Re: Awards and ANthems(and now some background) [OT] [HIST]
On Sun, 25 Oct 1998, Thomas Barclay wrote:
>> Thomas spake thusly upon matters weighty:
>> > the us
>> > flag being modified by the replacement of the starry quadrant with
>> > jack, of course
>> I like the idea for the us flag.
>i nicked it from an episode of 'sliders'. the one, predictably, where
>british won the war of independence.
You didn't have to tell us, we were content to give you credit...
>> Or maybe just something simple, that acknowledges that it is
>> impossible to represent the US, Canada, Rep of Quebec,
>> Ireland, Scotland, N Ireland, Wales, England, Mexico, and all of
>> South America within one flag.
>> Then in each country, a figure is placed under the crown to
>> indicate 'under the protection of the crown'. In Canada, a maple
>> leaf. In USA, an eagle. In Ireland, a Harp.
I like this well as many of the additions and suggestions made
>> And commonwealth vessels would display the Gold-Crown-On-Red flag of
>> the Commonwealth and this would be the shoulder flashes of NAC
>> forces.
>what if the former usa (minus cal-tex) has been broken up into more
>manageable chunks, like new england, the southeast, the midwest, etc.
>these areas, larger than a state, have their own symbols? do such
>divisions even exist in the american worldview?
The division of into more manageable territories seems very plausible
you can swallow the initial 'US reabsorbed by Commonwealth' business -
that's the assumption were operating under...)
In some ways there are such divisions, in other ways, no. I am not
of any symbols for regions, or even a strongly communicated sense of
identity for any of them. The divisions are usually used by people to
identify all the other regions, but not their own - I guess that may be
because they have their sense of identity, but haven't developed a fine
sense for the identity of others.
Of course I have to wonder what happens to Alaska in this scenario - We
classified as part of the northwestern US, but have very little in
with any other NW states. Probably have more in common with the Yukon
Territory than any other location, except Alaska is more conservative -
suppose that if we had to suffer the indignity of re-absorbtion the
would be a good sister-state - lots of land, very few people. Nat'l
resource intensive economy. I guess I should find out a bit more about
Yukon administration...
>so, the nac-as-a-whole symbol is the crown, and the following things
>the following symbols positioned under the crown:
>england - three lions
>scotland - lion rampant / thistle
>wales - dragon
>ireland/ulster - harp / red hand
>canada - maple leaf
>former usa - eagle
>quebec - fleur de lys
>brazil - astral globe (off current flag) etc
Just be sure to omit the 'Ordem e Progresso' banner (Order & Progress -
what Brasil (at least in a governmental sense) has been known for...Most
Brazillians I know laugh at the idea. I lived there for a couple of
and got a bit of a feel for people's opinions...
>army - war department arrowhead
>navy - anchor ?
>parliament - portcullis
As in 'Barring the way of progress'? What is the source of the
symbol for parliament?
>etc. all fairly straightforward.
>who is very happy that he finally got to use a Motie grammar construct
Sounds good! What precedents are there for rendering the symbols onto
other color fields, and what might be resonable uses of differing field
colors? (Gov't branches, different commonwealth member states, military
service v. civilian or police use, etc...)
Jared Noble