Fleetbook ship builder applet
From: Eric Fialkowski <ericski@m...>
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 16:30:44 -0600
Subject: Fleetbook ship builder applet
I have posted a Java applet for building Fleetbook class ships. The url
is: http://netnow.micron.net/~ericski/full.htm#SHIP_CREATOR
The applet requires a Java 1.1 capable browser. This includes Internet
Explorer 4.0+ and Netscape Communicator 4.06+ (although there was a 1.1
patch for 4.04 and maybe for 4.05).
If you want to post it on your own page, instructions are availabel on
mirror site 1. I ask that you send me the URL if it is publically
accessible to include in the mirrors.
+ Eric Fialkowski, just me +
+ +
+ http://netnow.micron.net/~ericski +
+ +
+ http://netnow.micron.net/~ericski/full.htm +
+ +