Re: Awards and ANthems(and now some background) [OT] [HIST]
From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 11:01:02 -0500
Subject: Re: Awards and ANthems(and now some background) [OT] [HIST]
Los spake thusly upon matters weighty:
> I guess I believe that when you meld a number of major countries
> that they are not going to adapt one country's national anthem for
> own. Why would Italy or Spain want to start signing "Le Marsialles"?
> get me wrong I love that song). Why the hell would Americans or
> want "God Save the Queen"? (Unless it's the Sex Pistols version). I'd
> imagiune that tey woudl adpot some new theme. Same for awards.
As a historical aside, we Canucks still sing GSTQ at lots of things.
Heck we can't even fix on one set of words for our national anthem (I
liked the old ones better). Hangovers from British dominance. But if
the modern day was any guide, we'd be singing the theme song to
Baywatch as an hommage to American cultural dominance.
I don't believe you are entirely right about awards (you may be right
about anthems). I rather suspect the military (being a traditionalist
beastie) would want to maintain traditional decorations - it has too
much to do with esprit de corps, unit history, etc. Now, new
decorations would be introduced, but I still think old ones would be
important. I don't think, with the NAC being run by a formerly
British Royalty, that the VC is in any doubt.
And I have to admit... I like the idea of the ESU giving out the
Order of the Solar Union, the Banner of the Solar Union, etc.
And if you think their are new decorations, suggest some names and
descriptions! I'm game to listen....
Thomas Barclay
Voice: (613) 831-2018 x 4009
Fax: (613) 831-8255
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