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Re: [FT] SML missiles

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 20:29:22 +0100
Subject: Re: [FT] SML missiles

>At 08:21 20/10/98 -0600, you wrote:
>>I hope this question hasn't been asked already, but I've looked
through the
>>FAQ and didn't see anything on it.  My question is "Do SML systems
require a
>>fire control?".  This is not stated in the rules, at least as far as I
>>find.  I assumed they did.  However my worthy opponet just pointed out
>>it isn't stated that the SML system has to have a fire control?  Any
>>thoughts on this?
>Pardon me if this is wrong (been a while since I looked at the Fleet
>but I believe that Firecon is required.  Now the stipulation is that
>only need one firecon for all the missile systems.  So 2 or 3 systems
>share the same firecon.

The "official" ruling is that the ship needs to have an operating
available during the SML launch phase of the turn (just one irrespective
how many salvoes are fired), but that firecon can then ALSO be used
the main fire phase of the same turn to fire other weapons. This is
a rule mechanism to avoid having to remember or record which firecons
been "used up" from phase to phase.
A ship that has lost all Firecon capability cannot fire SLMs (or any

Jon (GZG)
>>Michael Johnson
>>Micron Internet Service
>>Customer Support
>Niall Gilsenan,
>DIT, Cathal Brugha St,

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