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Re: Imperium/Full Thrust campaign

From: Jeff Lyon <jefflyon@m...>
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 22:01:41 -0500
Subject: Re: Imperium/Full Thrust campaign

At 06:40 PM 10/12/98 -0500, Thomas Barclay wrote:
>Snazzy. What did you use to produce these? They look good. WIth my 
>luck, its a piece of Mac software...


You're in luck.  I used Microsoft Paint and the version of Adam
Shipbits which Kelvin Henderson modified for use with the Fleet book. 
bitmaps are in the ZIP file.
>I note that none of these ships has what I would call a spinal
>mount from Traveller.	(That is, a larger than size class 3 
>battery or a big rail gun - depending on if it was a PA or a 
>Meson gun).

True.  That may change after my compatriot has had a chance to critique
them.  Or not.	He's not particularly fond of single arc weapons, but he
might surprise me.

>And I guess you are assuming shield are Nuclear Dampers, Sandcaster 
>turrets and bays, etc. all sort of abstractly represented?

Yup.  Best I could manage without a radical departure from FT.

>And no one, I imagine, has a black globe?

Not in this era.  This is probably only Tech level 11 or so.  These wars
occurred just prior to the development of Jump-3 drives (about 2000
before the formation of the Third Imperium).

>Still, all in all, looks like a lot of good work. I see you've made 
>the Vilani more missile heavy and the Terrans more beam heavy. I 
>might have went the other way. I always figured beams were the more 
>'classic' armament (massive laser bays, PA barbettes, etc) for a 
>high-tech society. 

Although that's probably how I would have done it as well, that's not
Imperium did it.  I guess because the first round of combat is always at
missile ranges, they decided to favor the Vilani with a preponderance of

I've tried to make these designs as representative of the original
factors in the game as I could.

There are some examples of the counters at:


The three combat factors along the bottom of the counter are beams,
missiles and screens.  The smaller number in the corner is the

The conversion system I used is at:


Once I finalized on this, 90% of ship design process was done already.


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