Re: Some GMS Thoughts [SG2]
From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 16:19:23 -0500
Subject: Re: Some GMS Thoughts [SG2]
Andrew spake thusly upon matters weighty:
> >I don't believe that the ROF on MDCs is enough (its fast, but
> probably not as fast as an RFAC, pulsed HEL or GAC).
> The Gauss Autocannon (GAC) is similar to Mass Driver Cannon (MDC)
> small calibres. The DSII rules suggest that sizes 3+ are single shot
> cannons, while size 1 & 2 are all rapid fire.
If I'm not mistaken, SG2 makes GAC sizes 1 and 2 and MDCs 3-5, thus
more or less being what you just said. So I guess we concur....
Does DS2 allow both GAC 1 & 2 and MDC 1-5 ?
> >My idea of DFFG
> is that it isn't a rotary or high speed cannon as it packs so much
> whack into one shot. Maybe it is... ?
> It depends really on people's favourite genre as to whether it is
> not.
Thomas Barclay
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