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RE: [SG II] Tyranid conversion

From: Magnus Alexandersson <m96maal@m...>
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 1998 10:24:27 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: RE: [SG II] Tyranid conversion

On Tue, 6 Oct 1998, Noah Doyle wrote:

> Whew, to do Tyranids any justice in SG2, you'd need a whole new morale

> system, based on instinctual behaviors and proximity to 
> telepathic/hive-mind 'Leader' units.	I don't think that a few
> of the Human morale system would do it, but, let us know how it went. 
>  ICBW.

Well, actually, we discussed this yesterday, and we (in our group) need 
to determine which role the `nids have in the SGII-universe.
Since the game-mechanics differ so from WH40k, you need ALOT of CC `nids

to make up for the lack of proper firesupport.

In E40k, there is the Synapse-variant when you assemble your army. 
i.e. you can controll a number of units with the collected hive nodes in

the battle.

What Jared wrote sounds quite interesting. Will have to test that too.

BTW: Any1 played Starcraft? I know I`m slow, but I`ve been without a PC
long time. Well, it`s closer to 40k than 40k.


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