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[SG II] Tyranid conversion

From: Magnus Alexandersson <m96maal@m...>
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 1998 18:32:33 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: [SG II] Tyranid conversion

I'm doing small homepage with adaptations for tyranids to use them in

It's _almost_ done, so I won't post it yet, but I was thinking:

Using Tyranids in any battle involves alot of small changes and extras 
just to make the work. So I thought I'd run 'em by you lot.

Hormgaunt leap? triple combat move? 3*D?

The Hive node priciple? i.e. Hive Tyrant and Tyranidwarriors and the 
"Immune to psy."-rule. According to the system (FMA) all can run away, 
all can get scared. If a tyranid creature is within 12" from a Warrior, 
then do they pass all test? All reaction tests or what?

There's probably alot more, but I can't remeber any q. we had when we 
discussed this. Will playtest our rules this weekend, and after that
post 'em.


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