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Re: RE:[FT] Some House rules for comment (SFB universe)

From: "chadtaylor" <chadtaylor@d...>
Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 16:47:29 -0400
Subject: Re: RE:[FT] Some House rules for comment (SFB universe)

> Don't forget the photons are SLM's suggestion as well(with
> more ammo)

I'm thinking of a Torp that does beam damage with normal/prox
(spread)/overload functions.

A disruptor with a normal/overload function and a dedicated 'special'
firecon to allow increased long range fire.  Looking for that 'Klingon
sabre dance'.  :)

> With your shield suggestions how to you mark this off on the
> SSD, it all becomes quite messy after several hits & regens?
> tim jones

You don't have to use damage repair.  I don't think that it would make a
large difference if you decided not to use damage repair on shields. 
SFB has some repair of shields and you see that sort of thing in the
so I thought 'why not'.  If it is too much of a mess to manage it then
would be a good 'why not'.  Haven't playtested the shield/armor thing so
really don't know.  It is the point shield (limited arc) that I'm
about balance with - too much/little?


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