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RE: John Atkinson

From: Noah Doyle <nvdoyle@m...>
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 18:10:27 -0500
Subject: RE: John Atkinson

John, my list-comrade, if you don't have an 'S' on your end, you should
probably seek medical help...


-----Original Message-----
From:	Jeff Lyon []
Sent:	Wednesday, September 30, 1998 11:40 PM
Subject:	Re: John Atkinson

At 10:04 PM 9/30/98 -0500, John Atkinson wrote:
>>...that was john atkins... <snip>
>I'm only gonna say this once more politely, but it's AtkinsON.
>I know you're not trying to be offensive, but that's a pet peeve
>of mine.

Uh, John... before you start blowing folks away, (*JOKE*) you might want
consider something...

First of all, you e-mail address is "jatkins6" and some e-mail software
packages automatically head up a quote with things like:

"At 10:04 PM 9/30/98 -0500, jatkins6 wrote:"

After a couple of rounds of attribution, or someone just giving your
address a casual glance, this would be a very simple mistake to make.

Just a thought.

Jeff "No there's no bloody 'S' on the end!" Lyon

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