RE: Review?
From: Noah Doyle <nvdoyle@m...>
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 17:08:40 -0500
Subject: RE: Review?
Truly, truly beautiful. Brought tears to my eyes.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jerome Avrillon []
Sent: Friday, September 25, 1998 09:58 AM
Subject: Re: Review?
On Fri, 25 Sep 1998 14:11:56 Magnus Alexandersson wrote:
Well, if you insist...
FTGZG-L is a delightful little vintage produced on a daily basis by a
frankly dizzying array of cyber-vintners. The proverbs about 'too many
cooks' aside, this diversity of creative input produces an end product
which is suprisingly mellow and smooth, wit
h only the occasional tang of bitterness. An astoundingly high quality,
considering the output of this particular label. The bouquet is quite
pronounced, a delightful cornucopia of charged phosphors, acrylic paint
with just a hint of the 'je nais sais quo
is' of gamerooms everywhere.
This particular number works well as an aperitif before gaming, creative
painting sessions, and as a lubricant for bull sessions. Does not go
with chickensh*t munchkins. While no hard and fast rules of etiquette
surround its use, it is typically a
gentlepersons' drink, and has become 'de riguer' at fashionable After
Action Reviews.
Four Stars
(Stop that! This is getting silly... >^_^<)
Jim 'Jiji' Foster /
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