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*New DS2/SG2 website*

From: Brian Burger <burger00@c...>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 12:59:12 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: *New DS2/SG2 website*

I've just set up a personal webpage, and it includes a bunch of
GZG-related information:

-the House Rules section - the DS2 & SG2 modifications & additions by
local gaming group. .../9774/ds2sg2.html

-the REWRITTEN VERSION of the SG2 Bunker & Buildings rules - Tom Barclay
sent me a whole batch of suggestions, additions and ideas, so I rewrote
the rules, and for Tom's sins made him co-author...

-various and sundry gaming links, with more to come. .../9774/games.html

-and various other stuff...those of you who aren't fans of the French
check out the 'Random Observations, Rants & Commentaries' page off my

Please tell me what you think - good, bad, HTML errors that I missed,
stuff that doesn't work on your browser, links I should include,


Brian (

Prev: Re: SV: [SG2] You'll never take me alive, coppers:Was RE: PA availabi Next: Re: (OT) Rules "inspiration" (was [OT] Bring and Battle