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Re: [MISC] [OT] Bring and Battle

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1998 22:33:39 +0100
Subject: Re: [MISC] [OT] Bring and Battle

>>As an aside, having said that, I'm sure many WH40K players will be
>>quite amazed by what I here is in the new version of the rules....
>>sounds like they basically stole (okay, independently developed?) a
>>bunch of conceptual ideas and systems that sound *perilously* close
>>to those used in FMA and the focus of FMA systems like Stargrunt. It
>>will be interesting to see how this hits the WH40K community....
>>(And I guess, like those Microsoft has 'borrowed' ideas from, Jon T
>>should be complemented that GW is 'learning' from him.....)
>Quite frankly, I'd be pissed! GW has sued so many companies for
>'stealing' their 'ideas', it would be nice to see them leave themselves
>wide open to get as good as they give...

Except that they have a full-time professional legal department, and all
the other smaller companies like us don't. The rights and protection of
rules systems and mechanisms is a horribly grey area at the best of
(which can sometimes be a double-edged sword - otherwise no-one but TSR
would be using polyhedral dice, and we'd probably all be paying
fees to H.G.Wells' estate....). Whatever GW do to 40K will all change by
the following issue of WD anyway, because that is the only way they can
keep selling new minis at the rate they have to do to keep their
shareholders happy.
That said, anyone out there have enough legal background to really know
position on this sort of thing...?

Jon (GZG)
>	Tony Christney
>  "If the end user has to worry about how the program was
>   written then there is something wrong with that program"
>				   -Bjarne Stroustrup

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