RE: [FT universe]
From: "Wasserman, Kurt" <wasku01@m...>
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 16:55:04 -0400
Subject: RE: [FT universe]
As acting ambassador to the humans, I must strongly object to the way
we Kra'Vak are portrayed and regarded. It is for precisely this reason
we can forsee no peace occuring between our races any time soon. Your
wound us. You call us bug-eyed but we do not repsond to your short
Do we mock your merely binary vision? No.
Do we call you mushies? No.
Do we rant on about your strange and illogical physiology? No, though we
very puzzled as to why a respiratory drainage vent is positioned ABOVE
food ingestion orifice and why your sight organs require constant
to function.
Sadly, comments like the attached are the reason why we must completely
totally subjugate you.
My very best regards,
K'Urt Ws'Rmn. esq.
Kra'Vak Embassy
> What I meant by that is that everyone has some skeletons in their
> respective closets; most nations will be "good" by their own frames of
> reference, but this of course won't agree with everyone else's {grin}.
> Some
> may well have a much better record on things like human rights than
> others,
> but no-one is perfect (especially in politics and international
> relations).
> >
> >Well except for the Kra'Vak. Nasty bug eyed aliens. With big nasty
> ships.
> Yeah. Smeg 'em. [grin]
> Jon (GZG)