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Re: FB designs and SLMs

From: Jeff Lyon <jefflyon@m...>
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 11:36:00 -0500
Subject: Re: FB designs and SLMs

Well, the FSE did better this weekend; they managed a draw versus a NSL
fleet.	I guess that makes them 0-2-1.	(We switched commands again)

A Jerez, two Milans and five Ibizas took on a Maximillian, a Markgraf, a
Radetsky and a Walberg and a Walberg/M.

Both forces came in at high speeds in tight formations; speed 18 for the
FSE and 20 for the NSL. 

On the third turn, our predicted vectors were within 12" of one another.
The NSL fleet deceleratated hard to keep the range open and take
of their heavier weight of beam weapons.  The Ibizas maintained course
speed while the FSE cruisers dumped four salvoes of missiles and sheared
off to port at full thrust.

The SLMs were distributed in a diamond-shaped pattern with about an inch
between them targeting the Maximillian's predicted vector.  One was out
range, one could only reach the Radetsky and the other two were close
enough to target the Max using our house rule on using a firecon for
missile guidance.

The Ibizas were all within 6-12 inches of the entire NSL force.  The
were just within 12" and the Jerez was just outside 12".  The cruisers
concentrated all fire on the Markgraf and the Ibizas fired everything
had at the Maximilian.

Between the two missile salvoes and the concentrated fire of the Ibizas,
the Maximilian was completely destroyed.  The missile salvo targeting
Radetsky failed to score any hits, but did divert two of its PDS from
supporting the Maximilian.  The Markgraf took minor damage from the
cruisers' beam fire.

FSE lost two Ibizas outright and two others took serious threshold
one lost all weapons and firecon and the other a hit to its drive.  They
also took some damage on the Jerez (about half a threshold) and one of
Milans took about a threshold and a half of damage resulting in a bridge

Both forces were out of range the next 4-5 turns while they decelerated,
brought their bridges back online and repaired some damage.  The Ibiza
damage to its drive was unable to repair it and stay in formation, so it
was declared out of the action.  The weaponless Ibiza remained in
hoping to possibly draw some fire away from its comrades.

Finally both sides came to stop relative to one another.  The NSL force
came head-on at full accel, while the FSE ships struggled to get back in
formation while building up some speed.

In the next firing pass, the FSE cruisers were able to bring two salvoes
missiles in on the Markgraf and one on the Waldberg.  The fourth went
astray.  The missiles targeting the Markgraf were very accurate (11? on
target) and while the NSL PDS put in a decent performance, it was not
enough.  The NSL BC was destroyed, but not before delivering a deadly
of beams.  At the end of that turn's firing (range 12-24 for
both of the FSE's damaged cruisers were destroyed.  

The final turn of the game was short.  The two fleets sole remaining
cruisers traded salvoes as their momentum carried the two fleets out of
range.	Since their magazines were now empty and the NSL force still had
fair number of beams left, the FSE opted to break off the engagement.

Final score:

NSL - both BCs lost, moderate damage to CE, no damage to the DDs
FSE - CA lost, CE lost, minor damage to CE, 2 FF lost, 2 heavily
minor damage to the last one. 

Analysis:  The FSE should never have come back for a second round of
or if they did, should have kept the range open with their cruisers. 
should also try the ER salvo missiles instead of standard against such a
beam-heavy opponent as the NSL.


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