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Re: [semi OT] Women wargamers -longish

From: Niall Gilsenan <ngilsena@i...>
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 13:41:32 +0100
Subject: Re: [semi OT] Women wargamers -longish

At 15:42 13/09/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Niall Gilsenan wrote:
>> Just on the topic of women soldiers etc, I believe the Russians in
WW2 had
>> a few fighter aces who were women.
>XXX   It has been years since this came up, but I think the top woman
>ace had 17 (of was it 13) kills.   JTL
>> The Iranians also had a womens division (? not certain about unit
>> here) during the Iran/Iraq war I believe.
>     As I understand the situation, the women had multiple duties as
>shepherds, minefield clearence (the ones the sheep didn't find, Using
>big rocks), and cooks ( using whatever they could pick up during the
>other duties), In that order. (Or was that the childrens division?) JTL
Well all I can remember is something I read in the paper about a womens
division which apparently was quite feared because they were completely
fanatical.  About 2 years ago and it was only barely mentioned.  All I
remember it was involved in the Iran/Iraq war.	They may have been Iraqi
considering Iraq was somewhat  more "western" and more likely to allow
women to fight.  As to mine clearing it strikes me that they threw
men away in that war that it probably didn't matter what gender you
just as long as you could be convinced to walk into a minefield.
Niall Gilsenan,
DIT, Cathal Brugha St,

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