Re: [semi OT] Women wargamers -longish
From: John Leary <realjtl@s...>
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 15:42:18 -0700
Subject: Re: [semi OT] Women wargamers -longish
Niall Gilsenan wrote:
> Just on the topic of women soldiers etc, I believe the Russians in WW2
> a few fighter aces who were women.
XXX It has been years since this came up, but I think the top woman
ace had 17 (of was it 13) kills. JTL
> The Iranians also had a womens division (? not certain about unit size
> here) during the Iran/Iraq war I believe.
As I understand the situation, the women had multiple duties as
shepherds, minefield clearence (the ones the sheep didn't find, Using
big rocks), and cooks ( using whatever they could pick up during the
other duties), In that order. (Or was that the childrens division?) JTL
I don't suppose the really says much about the womans rights
movement in the Islamic counties.
Bye for now,
John L.