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Re: Fighter Question

From: Matthew Seidl <seidl@v...>
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 09:11:33 -0600
Subject: Re: Fighter Question

On Thu, 10 Sep 1998 22:01:35 EDT, writes:
>In a message dated 98-09-10 07:03:12 EDT, you write:
><< Unless you are referring to someone's house rule, there are no
> fighters in FT.  The only fighter variants are:  Fast, Long-Range,
> Attack, Interceptor, and Torpedo. >>
>Thanks, its good to know that I am not blind...

Now, I know a number of people use a "nimble" designation to allow
fighters to fire at any target in range, instead of requiring the
target to be in a fore arc.  But I don't think its official.

-=- Matthew L. Seidl		email:		
=-= Graduate Student			Project . . . What Project?	
-=- 	 -Morrow Quotes 

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