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Re: Babylon Five game

From: Kelvin Henderson <kx.henderson@q...>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 11:18:13 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Re: Babylon Five game

At 04:25 PM 9/9/98 -0400, Jerry Han wrote:

>Also, I've found the Centuari starships to just not be as good as other

>ships, mass for mass.	Maybe that's why their Empire went to hell. 
>I've yet to see a player handle a Centauri fleet well enough to use its

>superior maneuverability and arcs against a slower, less agile
>(And forget it once the 'advanced technology' ships get involved...)

One interesting addition a friend of mine gave to the Centauri in his B5
Campaign rules based on the EFSB rules was giving the Centauri more
advanced Pulse Batteries than the younger races.  To represent their
advanced weapon technology, their Pulse Batteries ignore the first
range-band penalty, in effect increasing the ranges of their Pulse Batts
one range band and giving them a bigger punch at short range.  It makes
their vessels a bit scarier and more able to stand in the line with
races ships and balances things out a little more.


   "And how do you suppose we stop them?
      Get a big red sign with the word 
	    STOP written on it?"	  

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