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From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@n...>
Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 20:21:07 +0200
Subject: Re: BIG TANK

Kelvin wrote in reply to Aaron Davis:

> >Size 12, Armour 12 Grav, FGP, 2 DFFG/5 Turrered. 2 HEL/5 Turreded, 1
> >MDC/5 turred, 2 APSW, GMS/H Supior gidiance, Supior fire control, 11
> >Stealth, Supior ECM, 362 points. I do no have DS/2 but I downloaded
> >Thrust and It got a DS vechial maker so I decied to make a very BIG
> >tank. 
> Only 362 points?  There's something seriously wrong with the DSII
> generator you are using then.  I have much, much smaller vehicles that
> more expensive than your monster.  My guess is there is a serious
glitch in
> the program!

Hm - let's see:

Size 12  ->	12x5		=     60 pts
Armour 12 ->	60x12x.2	=   144 pts
Grav drive ->	1x(60+144)	=   204 pts
FGP plant ->	0.6x(60+144)	=   123 pts (FRU)

2xDFFG/5 ->	2x5x15		=   150 pts
2xHEL/5 ->	2x5x12		=   120 pts
MDC/5 ->	5x10		=     50 pts
Superior FC ->	4x5		=     20 pts
1 extra APSW   4		=	4 pts
GSM/H/Super.   60		=     60 pts

Stealth 11 ->	20x11x12	= 2640 pts
Superior ECM   45		=    45 pts
Total cost:			  3620 pts

It seems that the design program either can't show larger point values
than 999, or it divides all PVs by 10 <shrug>

Note that all five main weapons are mounted in the same turret, and
therefore have to shoot at the same target - though unfortunately the
rules don't allow you to fire more than one set of linked guns, so you
have to choose either the twin plazgun OR the twin laser OR the mass
driver OR the missile launcher.

It'd probably take a close range hit from a DFFG/3 or bigger to kill
baby - or a BOOM hit, or a nuke - but I can get a LOT of fast tanks with
DFFG/3s for 3600 points, and the monster can only kill at most one of
them per turn :-) It is pretty vulnerable to "Systems Down - Target" and
"Mobility" hits, too.


Oerjan Ohlson

"Life is like a sewer.
  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry

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